03 August 2008

Oil Collection Methods

Getting oil should be relatively easy and inexpensive.
The method for collection is situationally dependent. Some Restaurants store their oil inside. Some put oil back in 5 gallon containers (easy), but if they are not used to this it will be difficult to persuade them to change habits. Rather than changing habits one should make the best of what situation they are dealt.

Ideally you can pick up the container and if need be provide an empty container of the same size.
If you have a pick up or a hitchable vehicle this image below is an easier option for transporting heavy 55 gallon barrels.

If you have to suck the goop out of the barrels either because the barrel is behind fence or fill in your reason here________ then the image below is the tool that you need. This pump is a tuthill. Do a google search and pick your favorite vendor.


These are the best for starting with quality oil, and keeping water out of the fuel.
Google Ez strainer, and or go to Fryer to fuel

They are reasonably priced but get you on shipping costs.

These are the best thing since sliced bread. The best method for filtering vegetable oil and the restaurant does it for you.